
They’re common, annoying and unsanitary. Flies carry all kinds of filth and disease on the surface of their sticky feet.

Around 12% of the known species of insects in the world are flies of various types. Some of those species are actually considered beneficial because they prey on pest insects. However, most of the flies that are found near human and animal habitats are simply nuisances, commonly called "filth flies".

Geographic Region

Originally from central Asia, the common housefly is one of the most ubiquitous insects around the world. Flies are found in temperate regions wherever humans and animals reside, both urban and rural.

Natural Habitat

Flies seek moist organic matter -- garbage, animal feces and compost -- in which to breed and lay their eggs. Horse stables and dog kennels are prime sources of fly infestations. An adult female housefly may lay up to 2,400 eggs in her lifetime. The eggs can hatch into larvae (maggots) in a single day. In hot weather, it can take only eight days for the eggs to complete the life cycle and become adult flies.

Weather Conditions

The warmer the weather, the faster the flies are produced. Fly problems usually worsen during or just after hot spells.


Flies land upon any kind of filth and carry it with them because of the sticky surface of their feet. Flies also regurgitate their stomach contents on any surface where they land.

Unique Characteristics

Flies have a mobile head with antennae, a large pair of compound eyes, and a proboscis designed for lapping and sucking. They have claws and pads on their feet which enable them to cling to smooth surfaces.

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